Publications Wigand Rathmann
ILIAS in der Ingenieursmathematik nutzen
22. Internationale ILIAS-Konferenz (Köln, 7. September 2023 - 8. September 2023)
Examples of JSXGraph 3D for Engineering Math
3. International JSXGraph Conference (Online, 4. October 2022 - 6. October 2022)
Guiding students online in learning to code
Teaching and Learning of Mathematical and Statistical Computing Online (Online, 21. September 2020 - 21. September 2020)
Mathematik – Präsenzlehre online
19. International ILIAS Conference (Online, 10. September 2020)
Usage of JSXGraph in lectures for Math for Engineers
1. International JSXGraph Conference (Online, 6. October 2020 - 8. October 2020)
Ein Online-Trainingscenter zur Stärkung der Rechenfähigkeiten
1st International STACK conference 2018 (Fürth, 15. November 2018 - 16. March 2019)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2563076
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Implementing STACK questions concerning integration techniques combined with the usage of STACK in ILIAS
International STACK user group meeting (2. STACK Conference) (International Center for Mathematical Sciences, Edingurgh, 30. April 2019 - 30. April 2019)
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Sage als Content-Element in ILIAS nutzen
18. Internationale ILIAS-Konferenz (Dresden, 26. September 2019 - 27. September 2019)
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Developing a network for digital assessment
MatRIC Annual Conference 2019 (Bergen, 14. October 2019 - 15. October 2019)
In: Presentations at the MatRIC Conference "Making and Communicating Mathematical Meaning" 2019
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Dynamic Mathematics in Learning Management Systems
19th SEFI-MWG European Seminar on Mathematics in Engineering Education (ISEC (Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra), 26. June 2018 - 29. June 2018)
In: Book of Abstracts 2018
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Online-Auswertungsverfahren STACK
In: Stephanie Gleich (ed.): Medien im Mathematikunterricht, Hildesheim: Franzbecker, 2018, p. 39-56 (MaMut Materialien für den Mathematikunterricht, Vol.6)
ISBN: 978-3-88120-842-0
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Optimale Steuerung von Flachwasserkanälen
14. Workshop Mathematik in ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 18. September 2017 - 18. September 2017)
In: Gottlob-Frege-Zentrum, Hochschule Wismar (ed.): Proceedings 14. Workshop Mathematik in ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengängen 2017
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Flipped classroom in interdisciplinary course
The 18th SEFI Mathematics working Group Seminar (Gothenburg, 27. June 2016 - 29. June 2016)
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Die Kettenlinie als Kerbgeometrie
7. SAXON SIMULATION MEETING and Mathcad-Workshop (TU Chemnitz, 31. March 2015)
In: 7. SAXON SIMULATION MEETING and Mathcad-Workshop 2015
Mathematische Fragestellungen online realisieren (Vortrag beim 1. Tag der Lehre an der FAU)
1. Tag der Lehre (FAU, 11. December 2015)
In: 1. Tag der Lehre 2015
Eigenwerte und Fourier - Simulation von Massenschwingern mit Mathcad
5. SAXON SIMULATION MEETING and Mathcad-Workshop (TU Chemnitz, 22. April 2013 - 23. April 2013)
In: 5. SAXON SIMULATION MEETING and Mathcad-Workshop 2013
Parameterschätzung in gewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen
4. SAXON SIMULATION MEETING and Mathcad-Workshop (, 16. April 2012 - 17. April 2012)
In: 4. SAXON SIMULATION MEETING and Mathcad-Workshop 2012
Berechnung von Schockspektren
3. SAXON SIMULATION MEETING and Mathcad-Workshop (TU Chemnitz, 18. April 2011 - 19. January 2011)
In: 3. SAXON SIMULATION MEETING and Mathcad-Workshop 2011
Numerical Optimization of Time-dependent Electromechanical Systems
23. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting
In: 23. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2005
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Grundlagen FEM: Galerkin-Verfahren
In: Infoplaner (2005), p. 44--45
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Grundlagen FEM: Finite-Differenzen-Verfahren
In: Infoplaner (2004), p. 36--37
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Numerical Optimization of Time-dependent Electromechanical Systems
22. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting
In: 22. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2004
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Grundlagen FEM: Ritz-Verfahren
In: Infoplaner 1/2003 (2003), p. 36--37
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Grundlagen FEM: Trefftz-Verfahren
In: Infoplaner 2/2003 (2003), p. 38--39
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How to use Diffpack complementary to other FEM packages
21. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting
In: 21. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2003
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Calculation of Sound Fields in Flowing Media Using CAPA and Diffpack
21. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting
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Integration of Diffpack with FEM Application
20. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting
In: 20. CAD-FEM Users' Meeting 2002
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On modeling, analysis and simulation of optimal control problems for dynamic networks of Euler-Bernoulli- and Rayleigh-beams
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On Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Optimal Control Problems of Euler-Bernoulli- and Rayleigh-Beams
In: Chen G, Lasiecka I, Zhou J (ed.): Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems, New York: Marcel Dekker Inc, 2001 (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series)
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Free Form Shape Shell Optimization
19. CAD-FEM User's Meeting
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Modellierung, Simulation und Steuerung von Netzwerken schwingender Balken mittels dynamischer Bereichszerlegung
Bayreuth: University of Bayreuth, 2000
(Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften, Vol.60)